2024年10月23日 Wed
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英中贸易协会总裁卢墨雪率领商务代表团访问辽宁 2019-06-10



Matthew Rous, the chief executive of CBBC, led a business delegation to Liaoning recently. The delegation was met by Mr Tang Yijun, Governor of Liaoning province and Mr Jiang Youwei, Mayor of Shenyang on June 3rd. The delegation was met by Mr Tan Chengxu, Mayor of Dalian on June 4th.


Mr Tang warmly welcomed the delegation and expressed his appreciation for the work that CBBC has done for the Liaoning-UK cooperation. Mr Tang briefed the current situation of Liaoning and stated that Liaoning is creating a favorable business environment to expedite northeast revitalization. He expressed his wish for further support from CBBC in Liaoning-UK exchange and cooperation especially to Sino-UK Advanced Manufacturing Pilot Park. Liaoning will also provide full support to promote cooperation between Liaoning and the UK in all areas to achieve more practical results.


Matthew Rous confirmed that CBBC will play its role as a platform to actively connect with UK and Liaoning businesses, enhance bilateral economic and trade exchanges and achieve mutually beneficial and win-win development.




Mr Jiang Youwei, Mayor of Shenyang warmly welcomed the delegation and briefed the current economic and social development of Shenyang. He expressed his wish for further support from CBBC in Shenyang-UK exchange and cooperation in investment and trade and other sectors and attracted more UK companies to invest in Shenyang.


Matthew Rous emphasized that CBBC and Shenyang could work more closely together to achieve further win-win success in areas which is in line with the development strategy of Shenyang, especially in sectors of high tech and advanced manufacturing.



大连市市长谭成旭对卢墨雪一行的到来表示欢迎并介绍了大连经济社会发展和中英大连先进制造产业示范园开发建设情况,中英大连先进制造产业示范园是中英两国政府共同推进的重点合作项目,希望英中贸易协会发挥桥梁和纽带作用,共同推进更多项目落地, 希望在创新领域深度合作。卢墨雪表示将向更多英国企业推介,吸引他们到大连寻求合作伙伴。

Mr Tan Chengxu, Mayor of Shenyang warmly welcomed the delegation and briefed the current economic and social development of Dalian as well as the latest status of Sino-UK Advanced Manufacturing Pilot Park. He emphasized that the park is the key cooperation project jointly promoted by the Chinese and British governments and expressed his wish in further support from CBBC in Dalian-UK exchange and cooperation in sectors such as innovation. Matthew Rous stated that CBBC will promote Dalian to British companies and stimulate their interest to explore business opportunities in Dalian.



在大连访问当天,卢墨雪还为英中贸易协会园区报告大连发布会致开幕词。 该活动得到了大连中英先进制造产业示范园和大连商务局的大力支持。同时,英国驻华使馆参赞罗克先生,大连商务局局长丛克先生和大连花园口经济区党工委书记管委会主任李大民先生分别为大会致辞。

On the same day, Matthew Rous also gave opening speech during In the Zone Report Launch event Dalian Leg. The event was co-chaired with Dalian Sino-UK Advanced Manufacturing Pilot Park and Dalian Commerce Bureau. The counselor of British Embassy, Mr Nick Low; the director of Dalian Commerce Bureau, Mr Cong Ke as well as Secretary of Working Committee of Party/Director of Administrative Committee, Mr Li Damin also delivered speech.


